A comprehensive and concrete approach to your intellectual property

Are you facing an intellectual property-related challenge?
We’re there to help you understand and solve it.
With our team of patent attorneys, attorneys at law, specialised in intellectual property, and lawyers who work in synergy and share their experience to provide our clients with a comprehensive range of services (technical and legal).
“Understanding comes from talking.”
For comprehensive IP services

These different areas of expertise enable us first and foremost to respond to all the problems (technical, administrative, legal and economic) that you may encounter on a daily basis in protecting and defending your intangible assets.
Furthermore, these complementary areas of expertise are fully compatible within our structure and mean that we can offer our clients a comprehensive range of intellectual property services, from obtaining rights to defending them.
“Strategy is the resources at your disposal... and the will to use them... and to defend them," (CLAUSEWITZ)
Obtaining your rights
“Strategy is the resources at your disposal...”
At your side, we create and protect all your intangible assets (patents, trademarks, designs, copyrights, domain names, geographical names and quality marks), by helping you to establish them and in particular:
by determining, at the outset, the right choice of legal protection by taking into account all the technical, legal, fiscal, economic and operational aspects;
by ensuring that your rights are available, checking that they do not infringe on pre-existing rights:
by implementing the appropriate protection measures (filing, arranging secrecy etc.) and in particular by drafting the patents that will protect your technical innovations;
by filing your patent, trademark and registered design applications with all industrial property offices;
by managing these procedures and defending your creations/innovations before the offices until you obtain the rights, so that you have only one point of contact for all your rights;
after obtaining them, we manage your portfolio of intellectual property rights (patent, trademark, design) for you, including extending your rights throughout the world if necessary, keeping them in force and renewing them throughout their life;
Using your rights
"“...and the will to use them...”"Once the rights have been established, we assist you in all your intellectual property procedures, helping you make the most of them, in particular:
by transferring all or part of your IP rights or by organising co-ownership of them (licence agreement, regulation of co-ownership);
by organising the coexistence of your trademark with a third party on the market (coexistence agreement);
by contractually supervising your technical collaboration, research and development, consortium, joint venture or technology transfer activities;
by analysing the scope, validity and enforceability of intellectual property rights (freedom-to-operate analysis, validity analysis, legal advice prior to an infringement litigation);
by auditing a company's portfolio of intellectual property rights, particularly in the context of a planned acquisition or merger;
by assessing the economic value of intellectual property rights (transfer of rights. royalty rates);
by helping you with the research tax credit (CIR) process or other grant and funding applications
Defending your rights
“...and to defend them”
And the firm will protect your interests and assets against any form of infringement:
by monitoring the French, European or worldwide registers of industrial property offices to detect any infringements of your rights (patents, trademarks, designs, domain names);
by initiating any opposition to the registration of the rights of third parties or any administrative action (forfeiture etc.) before the French, European or international offices;
by defending your rights as an inventor before the courts at the Commission Nationale des inventions de salariés (CNIS, national commission on employee inventions)
by negotiating the cessation and compensation with third parties for infringing on your rights.
by carrying out, with assistance from our bailiff partners, seizing the counterfeit item(s) to obtain proof and determine extent of the infringement of your rights;
by taking action against any infringement and/or unfair competition in France before the competent courts or, conversely, by defending you against the allegations of third parties in this respect;
by managing and coordinating your international intellectual property disputes with our correspondents;
by assisting you in intellectual property arbitration and mediation.